Language of mechanisation team members awarded ‘Inter Circle U. Prize 2022’

Written by Mia RidgeNovember 4, 2022Comments: 0

Led by Barbara McGillivray, Jon Lawrence, Nilo Pedrazzini, Mia Ridge, Giorgia Tolfo, and Kalle Westerling submitted a nomination, and were delighted to be chosen as one of three award winners in 2022.

As described on the awards page, The Language of Mechanisation ‘realises an experiment in radically interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration at the intersection between history, computational linguistics, data science, library science and research software engineering. The project aims to leverage the potential of historical digitised records at scale, particularly the British Newspapers Archive, to analyse the impact of mechanisation on the lives of ordinary people during Britain’s rapid transformation into an industrial society’.

As this work relies on contributions from volunteers via our crowdsourcing projects on Zooniverse, our thanks to the many thousands of people who helped us understand ‘what was a machine’ in the long 19th century.

The Inter Circle U. Prize is designed to showcase the best examples of inter- and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. universities.

Barbara’s talk for the award ceremony is below:

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